Best foods for the sacral chakra
Written by Delilah Bisase, RD
The sacral chakra is our second chakra and is also known as swadhisthana in Sanskrit. It’s located in the area below the belly button, which is also where the reproductive organs are on a female body. The sacral chakra affects our creativity, emotions, boundaries, and how we experience both sexuality and pleasure. When this chakra is healthy you’re in tune with your emotions, you follow your creative impulses, and you welcome healthy change in your life. The sacral chakra is also the home of our inner child. This chakra is what allows us to have just the right balance of being playful and imaginative in order to maintain joy in our adult lives. Energetic blockages in the sacral chakra show up as difficulties with intimacy, attachments to toxic people or situations, and emotional numbness or emotions completely out of control.
This a quick list of the best foods to feed your sacral chakra
Orange colored foods
Healthy fats and oils
Continue reading to see an expanded list of the best foods to feed your sacral chakra
Fluids & Diuretics
Water, tea, broth and soup are all great fluids which will nourish your sacral chakra. Water is the element of the sacral chakra, so hydration is important to keeping this chakra healthy.
Diuretics are things that release fluid by causing you to urinate more often. The kidneys (also known as the renal system) are governed by the sacral chakra, and diuretics can help maintain a healthy renal system and overall urinary tract.
Examples of natural diuretics are
Hibiscus tea
Dandelion tea
Green tea
Orange colored foods
Orange is the color that resonates with the vibration of the sacral chakra.
Examples of orange foods that are good for the sacral chakra are
Butternut squash
Orange bell pepper
Additionally, these orange colored foods are rich in beta-carotene. Beta carotene is an antioxidant which supports a healthy female reproductive system (among many other health benefits).
Healthy fats & oils
Fats are the macronutrients that resonate deeply with the sacral chakra. From a physiological standpoint, the ingestion of fats sends chemical signals to our brain of satiety and pleasure. From an energetic standpoint, these chemical signals support the sacral chakra’s purpose of governing our relationship to pleasure. It’s best to focus on primarily unsaturated fats, with the exception of occasional coconut oil as a source of saturated fat. Excessive intake of saturated fats and trans fats creates more inflammation in the body. Trans fats in particular are highly inflammatory and are directly linked with causing heart disease. You can identify a trans fat on any ingredient label when you see the words “partially hydrogenated oil”. Partially hydrogenated oil of any kind is a trans fat.
Examples of healthy fats that are good for the sacral chakra are
Nuts and nut butters (all kinds)
Seed and seed butters (all kinds)
Olives and olive oil
Avocados and avocado oil
Coconut and coconut oil
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