
(pronounced “ray-key”) Reiki is a way to heal energy blockages. Reiki is a profound type of energy healing that gets people hooked because it is...

  • Comprehensive- a healing solution that makes up for so many of the things that western medicine is lacking in. 

  • Individualized- each session you will receive a personalized intuitive reading for self development and transformation

  • Convenient- Sessions happen virtually via Zoom. All you need is your computer, smartphone, or tablet- so simple!


Say goodbye to

Struggles with food (over eating, binge eating, food restriction)

Feelings of low self confidence and low self worth

Body image issues

Stress, exhaustion, or burnout



Struggles with sexuality

Pent up anger & frustration


Say hello to

Self development & radical transformation

Claiming your personal power

Dissolving energetic blockages that are stunting your personal growth

Stepping into your power and purpose

Shining in your brightest, authentic light unapologetically


Where the magic happens

The reiki healer does not have to be in the same room with the client in order for it to work, so you don’t have to leave your house for your session!

All reiki sessions happen virtually via Zoom. You only need your computer or smartphone- so simple!