Flower Essence Instructions


How & When to Take Your Flower Essences

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Take 1-2 drops per day, up to 1-3 times per day

Consistency is key!

How to take your flower essence in 3 easy steps

  1. Take 3 deep breaths. This is so that you can be relax and ready to receive

  2. Shake or tap the bottle in order to keep the essences in a more potent and energized state

  3. Take the flower essence by whichever method you choose (listed below); either orally or applied to pulse points

  4. (optional) Recite an affirmation of your choice aloud up to 3 times. Take another short moment of peace and silence with yourself to let it all sink in.

Options for taking the flower essence

Orally (most common)

  • Use the dropper to drop 1-2 drops on your tongue up to 1-3 times per day

On pulse points

  • Use the dropper to drop 1-2 drops on any pulse point you prefer (ex: neck/carotid pulse point or wrist/radial pulse point)

When to take your flower essence

  • Ideally take the flower essence within 30 minutes after waking up and/or 30 minutes before going to bed. The reason for this is because these are the times of the day when we are the most impressionable and thereby receptive to the subtle energy healing of the flower essences.

  • Consistency is key because repetition creates new patterns. Find a time that works for you and stick with it. For example, if the morning and bedtime thing isn’t working for you, but you’re able to consistently take it every day around 1pm after eating your lunch, that’s perfect!


Watch this video to learn more about how flower essences work

Frequently asked questions about flower essences

+ I avoid alcohol, and flower essences are preserved in alcohol. Is there an alcohol-free version of flower essences which I can take?

Preserving the flower essence in alcohol is a necessary step, although the alcohol in flower essences is so heavily diluted with water, that they are unable to cause intoxication or cause any physical effects.

Additionally, when I prepare your individual flower essences from the bulk, I use apple cider vinegar and more water, which further dilutes it to one part in 600.

If you wish, this can be further diluted by adding the drops to 8 ounces (240 ml) cup of water. This will dilute it to about one part in 48,000.

While I'm not able to provide a 100% alcohol free version at the moment, there are non oral methods of taking flower essences which are an ideal solution for people avoiding alcohol for any religious or personal reasons. These methods are rubbing drops of the flower essence onto your pulse points (ex: wrist/ radial pulse point, neck/ carotid pulse point) or pouring it into a spray bottle with water to spray and mist it on and around your body.

+ Are flower essences safe for pregnancy or postpartum?

Absolutely yes. Flower essences do not contain any physical plant matter, meaning that there are no active chemicals from the herb present in the product. Additionally, the alcohol has been heavily diluted to the point that it's unable to cause intoxication or any other phsyical effects. See the answer to the previous question above for more information regarding dilution.

+ Will flower essences interact with any medications I'm taking?

No, flower essences work via energy healing and they will not interact with pharmaceutical medications. Pharmaceutical medications, as well as herbal supplements, affect your body in a physical manner, whereas flower essences affect your body in a non-physical manner. As always, I highly recommend that before starting any type of new treatment to consult with your doctor simply because it's important to keep them in the know.

Flower essences can be a great adjunct therapy to assist another type of treatment you may be receiving. For example, flower essences pair extremely well with psychotherapy, since mental health clinicians are skilled in helping you resolve the personal issues which flower essences are helping you to grow from.

+ Will flower essences cure my disease?

No, flower eseences are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. They are also not intented to be taken in place of another type of medical treatment you may be receiving.

+ Is it possible to overdose on flower essences?

No, it is not possible to over dose on flower essences. There are no physical constituents of the flower in the flower essence, meaning that you are not ingesting any physical part of the plant, so it will not be able to have a physiological effect on you (ex: changes in blood pressure or organ fuction)

Flower essences work on an energetic level, so it is important to keep in mind that people have different levels of energetic sensitivity. Two or four drops of an essence might have a profound effect on one person, yet an average effect on another person. This is why taking 3 deep breaths is included in the instructions, so that you can be aware of how the flower essence is affecting you internally. If it feels too intense, reduce the amount of drops and frequency.

It's not recommend to take more than 4 drops at a time. Taking more drops won't intensify the effect if you're not feeling or noticing anything. I usually just stick with 1-2 drops if it's a single flower essence or 2-4 drops if it's a blend.

+ Are flower essences safe for children? Pregnant people? Pets?

Yes to all of the above. Flower essencs are a type of energy healing, and it is a very subtle, gentle form of energy healing.

+ Is it safe to use flower essences while receiving other forms of energy healing? (ex: reiki, sound healing, acupuncture)

Yes, and flower essences are a great compliment to other forms of holistic, energy healing such as reiki, sound healing, acupuncture, and massage.

+ How long does it take until I notice any effects from the flower essence?

This varies from person to person, so it could be 1 day or 1 month. People genearlly tend notice changes anywhere from 2-6 weeks. In order to gauge the effect, recall to the goals you set when you began to take flower essences. Use your proximity to reaching those goals as a marker for how the flower essence is working for you.

+ Do flower essences have negative side effects?

No, not in the physical sense as you would expect from pharmaceutical medications (ex: drowsiness, dry mouth, upset stomach etc). However, they may stir up internal feelings of discomfort or aggravation. Remember the flower essences are meant to help you grow, so you must evaluate and decide whether or not you're feeling discomfort or aggravation due to self growth and being pushed out of your comfort zone, or if it's due to the intensity of the essence itself (different people have different levels of energetic sensitivity). If you deem it is too intense, reduce the amount of drops and the frequency.

+ Help! I lost my flower essence bottle, how can I get a replacement? Is there a fee?

Yes, you absolutely can get a replacement. The fee is $10, and you can order it by sending me an email requesting a replacement. Be sure to include your first and last name and the flower essence(s) you had. Send the email request to info@remedybydelilah.com

+ What kind of training did you receive to become a flower essence practitioner?

I completed the flower essence practioner course via The Wild Temple, and the instructor of the course was the owner Brooke Sullivan. The name of the course is called Plants Drop Wisdom. I had a wonderful experience, and I highly recommend it.

This course is quite an enriching experience whether or not your plan is to practice with flower essences professionally or just on yourself and loved ones.

+ What is the history of flower essences?

Flower essences are known to have been used in indigenous cultures dating back centuries ago, including the ancient Egyptians. The documentaion and pioneering of a new understanding of flower essences as we know them today is attributed to Dr. Edward Bach, who was an English physician in the 1930s. As a physician he grew disenchanted with allopathic medicine (conventional, western medicine). He set out to find a better way to treat his patients, and learned of the healing properties of flower essences. Dr. Bach originally developed 38 flower essences, and while many practitioners continue to stick with those 38, that list has since been expanded upon by groups such as the Flower Essence Services (FES). FES has published a webpage describing Dr. Bach's contributions to the world of flower essences, which can be viewed here. Additonally, this video, also describes how flower essences were used in cultures pre-Dr. Bach.

+ Are there any scholarly articles or scientific studies which support the healing effects of flower essences?

The Flower Essence Society (FES) is a wonderful resouce, and one of the society's goals is just that. The work of flower essences is subjective by nature, meaning that each essence resonates in a way which is unique to each person's needs, thereby making exact replication of results impractical. Because of this, it is difficult to study the effects of flower essences in perfect alignment with the scientific method. However, FES works to compile case studies and empirical research (observation and documentation of patterns of behavior).