Mental health is finally normalized. Energy healing is next


By Delilah Bisase, RD

mental health and nutrition

I am so happy that mental health awareness has finally transitioned from being a taboo topic to a mainstream topic of discussion. Along with that, people are finally keen on how mental health has a significant impact on nutrition and overall health. I even see billboards out here in Los Angeles, both in English and Spanish, promoting the importance of mental health. This is progress. This is beautiful, remarkable progress!

In order for this progress to continue, we need to open our minds to the next topic to be brought out of the taboo and into the mainstream realm of acceptance. That topic is energy healing. I know this will be a more difficult task because of the simple fact that energy healing doesn’t fully conform to the scientific method that our western society holds onto so dearly...or more like holds onto with a death grip. 

Keep in mind that mental health is still within the realm of science, logic, and rational thought- it’s not intuitive nor spiritual. The western, scientific approach relies solely on rational thought and logic with no consideration of intuitive knowledge. Energy healing is rooted in intuitive knowledge. Both are equally important and support one another. We need to strive for balance. Balance in scientific terms is called homeostasis. When our body is in homeostasis, our body is healthy. If we want to achieve true holistic health, also known as total body wellness of the mind body and spirit, we need to embrace both the logical (ie: scientific medicine) and intuitive (ie: energy healing) strategies for health and healing.

Here’s the key point to understand. The scientific method doesn’t have all of the answers. Energy healing doesn’t have all of the answers either. The solution is a combined approach that incorporates aspects of both sides. This is exactly what brought me to creating the Food Flowers Womxn program. This is an innovative, one of a kind virtual womxn’s health program that combines nutrition, fitness, and energy healing. Register for the trial today and get automatically entered in a giveaway to win a swag bag filled with vegan goodies handpicked by me.

The Food Flowers Womxn Free 1 Week trial is happening Aug 23-27th! Read more info about the program here or you can go straight to sign up here!


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